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Part Hwaone.

The days got drier... The nights came too quickly... And Petrick Swaginttnibg was in labor... When Petrick first looked at his new baby, the baby screamed, "HEIL HATLER!!!!!" And, "NINE NEIN NINE." Petrick was quite concerned of whether he was a normal child, or a Spawn of Satan.

The Satanic Errobtinoin.

Petrick decided to name his child, Satanic McNuggetz. Soon enough, McNuggetz was shooting his first bunny rabbit, and curb stomping his first four year old. When Petrick took his second bite of freedom fries, McNuggetz was building a shrine to the great Kupa Kreeper. Yes ladies and Jentlemermen, Petrick Swaginttnibg's child, was Hatler's Redemtion. When Merlin The Guide was killed for the Reggie Swaggington, Quintinion Frinionjin. 
    When Christian Mingle got way too out of hand, Superman always came prepared... He took the Wizard's Wand of Toothpaste and shoved Kobliska Sticks up Johas' Charlie. Francis then realized, Patricia was ''WAY ''out of his league. When he said his body was ready, ballistikck warhogs got on the horrible drug, and the world went on a rampage. The plague went on, and Jermanic Sharlestts krandelled their way to the finish line. There ''WILL ''be a sequal, ladies and transgenders. Don't worry.